Taking the leap.. Will I make the jump?

Wednesday 12 March 2014

No doubt we dream about moving to a foreign location and freeing ourselves from our mundane routines. As human beings we have the potential to disentangle ourselves from old habits and have the capacity to wake up and live consciously yet we also have a strong inclination to stay asleep.

It’s as if we are always at a crossroad, continuously choosing which way to go. Moment by moment we can choose to go toward further clarity and happiness or toward confusion and pain.

We hold onto this greater faith that gives us hope that everything is happening for a reason, that our spiritual connection to the greater universe will lead us to something better, that everything that we didn't receive was not meant for us. That when God takes away something from our hand, he isn't punishing us, he is merely emptying our hands to receive something better.

Moving away from home was one of the biggest spiritual decisions I've ever made. I moved away from family and friends and always live in fear that that's the last time I will see their face, that I'm missing out on valuable irreplaceable time but I took that leap of faith and followed that inner instinct and here I am in Dubai 'livin' that dream', that dream of moving to a foreign country freeing myself from old habits.

Will I make the jump? I don't know, that's what I'm here to discover...