Forward momentum - when everything happens for a reason

Monday 14 April 2014

I used to be well annoyed with the saying 'Everything happens for a reason'.

Every time any event happens in your life we are surrounded by that saying. I used to find it so sappy and more importantly I never thought the sentiment was true. Some things just happen, there is no rhyme or reason to them. They just happen.

But the more I thought about it the more I realised I was wrong.
My real turning point was a few years ago after reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho which I can't recommend enough. It's one of those novels that manage to make you escape and reflect on seeking to attain the unattainable, much like Don Quixote who dreamed the impossible dream.

It seems that this quote is always resorted to when either good things happen or when your friends are condoling you about something, trying give you that uplifting speech that there is light at the end of the tunnel when really you want to bury head in the ground.

Leaving a lot behind and taking that leap of faith I have met many people along the way, some which were just a passing and many that will forever impact my life.
My recent encounter of a selfless act of a friend, also an IFBB Pro with no desire to receive anything in return supported/funded the remainder of my fitness modelling competition to ensure I compete.
Many athletes want to be associated with a brand, want to be perceived as wanted by a corporate organisation but life is much more simpler than that. You get what you give and the universe makes sure of that.

I'd much rather be sponsored by an angel.

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it"
 ~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

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