Beat the binge this Easter

Thursday 17 April 2014

As Easter approaches near all one can think about is the copious amounts of food you're going to eat.
Now I'm all for this theory of balance and celebrations like this always tip the scale. What you plan for never happens, you find yourself eating that spread of food, drinking alcohol, then eating chocolate, cake, ice cream etc.. and oh my! you're flooded with negative self punishing thoughts..

Below are TWO simple things I do to avoid this feeling:

1) Keep your serving sizes minimal. Why? I find that when I have more on my plate I tend to eat it regardless and not listen to my stomach. When your servings are small and you eat at a slower pace you can actually listen to your body responding and if you're still hungry go for seconds and then pace the sweets. Have a few of course! Don't deprive yourself.

2) Post Easter plan. By plan I don't mean thinking about how you're going to make up for all the food and alcohol you consumed. By plan I mean that 'self agreement' of going back to your routine and not spiralling out of control. I usually refer to this a self sabotage, the 'oh I messed up my eating well routine so might as well just keep eating and eating'. Be strong and put your thoughts back into action.

ACCEPT that you're going to eat and enjoy your weekend and then KNOW that you are going back to plan.

It never fails.

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