5 Tips to get you back on track to eating healthy

Tuesday 13 October 2015

We’ve all been there.

Eating our nourishing food on a daily basis and feeling more inspired than ever. Shopping, cooking, prepping, training… it’s all going well.  Then, something happens… schedule gets busier than usual, you're unwell, social pressure to eat, maybe stress, personal events or whatever it may be. You slip up and eat some biscuits, cake, ice-cream, processed food and then you eat some more biscuits, cake, ice-cream, processed foods to the extent where you're full, bloated yet still manage to force down all that sugary goodness.

Oh no!

Panic mode!

Negative self talk kicking in!

Fat already bulging!

That's it! It's over, you've screwed up, you've ruined everything!?

However...   It doesn’t have to be like that.

Here are 5 tips that pushed me back on track to nourish my body with food.

1.  Give yourself a break.
The food you are eating now is still probably better than how you used to eat. I never used to pay attention to food as much as I do now,  eating so much more vegetables than I used to and cooking at home more than not. I’m still way better off than I was before I started investing in my health.
Potato fries (omg my fav) are OK once in a while.
I apply the 80/20 (also used in marketing), to my food as it's a simple rule to follow.
80% real food still allows for 20% of that other stuff. Yes delicious nasty stuff hehe

2. Morning Cardio
Get out of bed and kick start your day with some cardio. Slow steady state, to allow yourself to mentally unwind from all the negative thoughts you fed yourself those day you went off track. Continually think positive thoughts and remind yourself you have a CHOICE, a choice to make better choices.

3.  Drink lemon water. 
Water will start to cleanse the chemicals from your body.  Hydration is also the key to feeling satisfied when eating.  Many times we think we are hungry, when really those feelings are our body telling us we need to be hydrated.

4. Confess to a friend
This is an interesting one. I always found that when I openly spoke about my self-destructive behaviour I somewhat felt more responsible for my actions and they too reminded me of what I stood for. I would organise to meet for lunch and choose healthy options at the restaurant, doing something to get me exciting about eating wholesome food again.

5.  Don’t give up!
So you had a bad day, weekend, or even a month.  It’s not how you eat sometimes that matters.  It’s how you eat the majority of the time.  Keep at it it, it will become habit again.  You CAN do this! Take it one meal at a time.

Getting back on track is as simple as falling off! You can also view my previous blog on tips to train your brain to think positive.

Positive regards,

Fit N sometimes excessively Curvy


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